Kill details
Involved parties: 3
MiguelCZ Aldent
CeskoSlovenska Aliance
Stratios (Cruiser)
Damage done:29997 (64.91%)
Swarm Overmind Primus
Swarm Overmind Primus
Damage done:16216 (35.09%)
Johnny Shootos
Gallente Federation
Light Ion Blaster II
Damage done:0 (0.00%)

500 Letters left
Sourced from API with CCP ID: 66750105 on 2017-12-22 06:00:43
Ship: Gnosis (Battlecruiser)
Location: Groothese (0.3)
Date: 2017-12-21 09:34:21
ISK Loss at time of kill: 237,484,000
Total Damage Taken: 46,213
Location in System: 45M km from Groothese VIII - Moon 1
425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I
425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I
425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I
425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I
425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Damage Control II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Projectile Collision Accelerator I
Kill verified
Ship details
High Slot High Slot Current Value
Republic Fleet EMP M Republic Fleet EMP M 180 120.42 K
425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I 425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I 3 1.61 M
425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I 425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I 2 1.07 M
Republic Fleet EMP M Republic Fleet EMP M 270 180.63 K
Medium Slot Medium Slot Current Value
50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive 50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive 1 14.75 K
Large Shield Extender II Large Shield Extender II 2 2.72 M
Large Shield Extender II Large Shield Extender II 2 2.72 M
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Adaptive Invulnerability Field II 1 2.68 M
Low Slot Low Slot Current Value
Gyrostabilizer II Gyrostabilizer II 1 1.25 M
Damage Control II Damage Control II 1 428.38 K
Gyrostabilizer II Gyrostabilizer II 3 3.74 M
Tracking Enhancer II Tracking Enhancer II 1 1.05 M
Rig Slot Rig Slot Current Value
Medium Projectile Collision Accelerator I Medium Projectile Collision Accelerator I 1 591.26 K
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I Medium Core Defense Field Extender I 2 1.43 M
Drone Bay Drone Bay Current Value
Acolyte II Acolyte II 3 1.31 M
Acolyte II Acolyte II 2 874.57 K
Cargo Cargo Current Value
CONCORD GalNet Monitoring Archive CONCORD GalNet Monitoring Archive 1 604.61 K
Drone Tactical Limb Drone Tactical Limb 1 8.68 K
Republic Fleet EMP M Republic Fleet EMP M 9921 6.64 M
Expired Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator Expired Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator 1 12.29 M
Drone Synaptic Relay Wiring Drone Synaptic Relay Wiring 1 707.00 ISK
Expired Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator Expired Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator 2 24.58 M
Lucent Compound Lucent Compound 2 13.21 K
Agency 'Overclocker' SB5 Dose II Agency 'Overclocker' SB5 Dose II 1 3.19 M
Precious Alloy Precious Alloy 2 12.18 K
'Augmented' Valkyrie Blueprint 'Augmented' Valkyrie Blueprint (Copy) 1 0
Total Module Loss:
Total Module Drop:
Ship Loss:
Total Loss at current prices: 105,971,040.00
Dotlan Maps
API Verification
Top Damage Dealer
Final Blow
112 queries (+16 cached) SQL time 0.0996s, Total time 0.1882s
Prime theme by Vecati, modified by haross nero