Kill details
Involved parties: 2
Orthrus (Cruiser)
Nova Fury Light Missile
Damage done:47438 (99.34%)
Hermenegilda RAD
Helios (Covert Ops)
Hobgoblin I
Damage done:314 (0.66%)

500 Letters left
Sourced from API with CCP ID: 50210534 on 2015-11-16 22:01:06
Ship: Mobile Tractor Unit (Deployable Structure)
Location: LQ-AHE (0.0)
Date: 2015-11-16 21:51:26
ISK Loss at time of kill: 39,119,500
Total Damage Taken: 47,752
Location in System: 57.6M km from LQ-AHE V
Kill verified
Ship details
Cargo Cargo Current Value
Mjolnir Cruise Missile Mjolnir Cruise Missile 100 34.30 K
Large I-b Polarized Structural Regenerator Large I-b Polarized Structural Regenerator 1 313.70 K
Limited Explosive Deflection Field I Limited Explosive Deflection Field I 1 30.68 K
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe Sisters Combat Scanner Probe 8 3.50 M
Republic Fleet Proton S Republic Fleet Proton S 500 216.50 K
Warp Disruptor II Warp Disruptor II 1 1.57 M
Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S 1000 409.00 K
Republic Fleet EMP S Republic Fleet EMP S 752 373.74 K
Inferno Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I Inferno Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I 100 32.70 K
Nanite Repair Paste Nanite Repair Paste 6 173.44 K
Phased Scoped Target Painter Phased Scoped Target Painter 1 5.13 K
Shielded Ladar Backup Cluster I Shielded Ladar Backup Cluster I 1 12.94 K
200mm AutoCannon II 200mm AutoCannon II 2 1.54 M
Gloom Enduring Radar ECM Gloom Enduring Radar ECM 1 13.22 K
'Limos' Cruise Launcher I 'Limos' Cruise Launcher I 1 25.47 K
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender 1 71.22 K
Scourge Cruise Missile Scourge Cruise Missile 100 24.00 K
Proton S Proton S 100 1.50 K
Warp Disrupt Probe Warp Disrupt Probe 23 2.73 M
Gyrostabilizer II Gyrostabilizer II 1 1.23 M
Republic Fleet Fusion S Republic Fleet Fusion S 63 30.05 K
Nanofiber Internal Structure II Nanofiber Internal Structure II 1 291.84 K
500MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive 500MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive 1 690.83 K
Upgraded Armor Explosive Hardener I Upgraded Armor Explosive Hardener I 1 515.40 K
Metal Scraps Metal Scraps 11 14.31 K
XT-9000 Cruise Launcher XT-9000 Cruise Launcher 1 26.52 K
Nova Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I Nova Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I 100 32.10 K
Experimental Armor Kinetic Hardener I Experimental Armor Kinetic Hardener I 1 207.52 K
200mm Steel Plates II 200mm Steel Plates II 1 890.75 K
250mm Light Artillery Cannon II 250mm Light Artillery Cannon II 2 1.51 M
Inferno Cruise Missile Inferno Cruise Missile 100 16.90 K
Auto-Gain Control Tracking Enhancer I Auto-Gain Control Tracking Enhancer I 1 16.49 K
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer Small Ancillary Armor Repairer 1 26.14 K
Titanium Sabot L Titanium Sabot L 200 29.40 K
Expanded Probe Launcher I Expanded Probe Launcher I 1 23.76 K
Hail S Hail S 376 30.83 K
Hail S Hail S 2184 179.09 K
Nuclear L Nuclear L 100 3.20 K
Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender 1 11.45 M
Upgraded 'Malkuth' Torpedo Launcher Upgraded 'Malkuth' Torpedo Launcher 1 12.74 K
650mm Medium Carbine Howitzer I 650mm Medium Carbine Howitzer I 1 42.08 K
Hail M Hail M 200 44.00 K
Stasis Webifier II Stasis Webifier II 1 1.17 M
Warp Disrupt Probe Warp Disrupt Probe 3 355.75 K
200mm AutoCannon II 200mm AutoCannon II 1 767.75 K
10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner 10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner 1 12.35 K
X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier 1 10.03 K
Prototype Armor Kinetic Hardener I Prototype Armor Kinetic Hardener I 1 207.87 K
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II 125mm Gatling AutoCannon II 2 890.29 K
Prototype Armor Explosive Hardener I Prototype Armor Explosive Hardener I 1 246.37 K
Large Automated Carapace Restoration Large Automated Carapace Restoration 1 58.86 K
Republic Fleet EMP S Republic Fleet EMP S 2000 994.00 K
Limited Armor EM Hardener I Limited Armor EM Hardener I 1 276.42 K
Scan Resolution Script Scan Resolution Script 1 22.67 K
Barrage S Barrage S 2236 136.40 K
EMP L EMP L 100 32.50 K
Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S 948 387.73 K
Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler 1 60.75 K
Large Automated Structural Restoration Large Automated Structural Restoration 1 309.54 K
200mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I 200mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I 2 14.75 K
Limited 'Limos' Torpedo Launcher Limited 'Limos' Torpedo Launcher 1 9.51 K
Damage Control II Damage Control II 2 844.90 K
Quake S Quake S 896 80.64 K
Inferno Cruise Missile Inferno Cruise Missile 100 16.90 K
Heavy Defender Missile I Heavy Defender Missile I 100 3.10 K
Umbra Scoped Radar ECM Umbra Scoped Radar ECM 1 41.93 K
Interdiction Sphere Launcher I Interdiction Sphere Launcher I 1 3.56 M
Metal Scraps Metal Scraps 7 9.11 K
Republic Fleet Fusion S Republic Fleet Fusion S 21 10.02 K
Experimental ZW-4100 Torpedo Launcher Experimental ZW-4100 Torpedo Launcher 1 14.06 K
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I Micro Auxiliary Power Core I 1 363.70 K
X-Large C5-L Emergency Shield Overload I X-Large C5-L Emergency Shield Overload I 1 246.97 K
Gyrostabilizer II Gyrostabilizer II 1 1.23 M
Type-D Restrained Overdrive Injector Type-D Restrained Overdrive Injector 1 7.30 K
Tremor S Tremor S 400 40.00 K
41F Veiled Targeting Unit 41F Veiled Targeting Unit 1 1.07 K
Core Probe Launcher I Core Probe Launcher I 1 19.50 K
Large Converse Deflection Catalyzer Large Converse Deflection Catalyzer 1 57.70 K
Scourge Cruise Missile Scourge Cruise Missile 100 24.00 K
Prototype Armor Thermal Hardener I Prototype Armor Thermal Hardener I 1 191.48 K
Nuclear S Nuclear S 100 800.00 ISK
Total Module Loss:
Total Module Drop:
Ship Loss:
Total Loss at current prices: 51,623,582.00
Dotlan Maps
API Verification
Top Damage Dealer
Final Blow
79 queries (+21 cached) SQL time 0.2384s, Total time 0.3470s
Prime theme by Vecati, modified by haross nero