Item details - Paradoxical Nebula Firework
Paradoxical Nebula Firework
This space pyrotechnics and holography charge appears to defy the rules of space and time by creating a dramatic and unusual star nebula at the detonation point. This is peculiar but conceivably such a device could be used to signal a location or be used as a mapping aid. Still, strange and paradoxical as the appearance of a vast interstellar nebula inside a star system might be, the projected display is really a creation of some unknown pyrotechnician's art and skill... or is it?
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 100 kg
Volume 0.1 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
Mass 100 kg
Structure Hitpoints 10 HP
Maximum Velocity 1000 m/sec
Capacity 0 m3
Inertia Modifier 3000 x
detonationRange 35 m
armorPiercingChance 1
Used with (Launcher Group)
Volume 0.1 m3
radius 1
rate of fire bonus 1 %
Maximum Flight Time 100000 s
Tech Level 1 Level
structureUniformity 1
Base Shield Damage 0
Base Armor Damage 0
aimedLaunch 1
missileNeverDoesDamage 1
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Prime theme by Vecati, modified by haross nero