Item details - OLD Legion Engineering - Supplemental Coolant Injector
OLD Legion Engineering - Supplemental Coolant Injector
This subsystem is obsolete and has been replaced by newer technology

When it came to overheating modules on Tech III vessels, the spaceship engineering industry always knew, or at the very least suspected, that a larger breakthrough was on its way. Those first small advances made by reverse-engineering ancient Sleeper hulls were seen by many as simply the beginning of something greater. For these and other reasons, few were surprised by the introduction of a subsystem focused purely on pushing the “heat” envelope.

Various designs surfaced in the weeks and months following the opening of the new wormholes, each offering increasingly smaller improvements on the last. Research seemed to stagnate for a while and it was not until the idea of additional, localized coolant injectors became widespread that heat-focused subsystems truly began to perform in a class of their own. The current iterations offer pilots truly unprecedented abilities when it comes to overheating and pushing modules to their limits. Military experts and even capsuleers alike have been left wondering just how drastically this new design, along with so many other radical new entries to the subsystems field, will reshape interstellar warfare.

Subsystem Skill Bonus:
5% Reduction in the amount of heat damage absorbed by modules per level.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 1,200,000 kg
Volume 40 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
Structure Hitpoints 40 HP
Powergrid Output 1290 MW
Capacitor Recharge time 415000 s
Primary Skill required Amarr Core Systems
requiredSkill1Level 1
Drone Capacity 0 m3
Tech Level 3 Level
Capacitor Capacity 1575 GJ
Meta Level 1 Level
Drone Bandwidth 0 Mbit/sec
subSystemSlot 127
Turret Hardpoint Modifier 0 +
Launcher Hardpoint Modifier 0 +
High Slot Modifier 0 +
Medium Slot Modifier 0 +
Low Slot Modifier 3 +
Restricted to Ship Type Legion
subsystemBonusAmarrCore -5
Module or subsystem is obsolete 1
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