Corporation details - BAND of MAGNUS [BOBAS]
Alliance: None CEO:
Kills: 23269 HQ:
Losses: 10343 Members: 36
ISK destroyed: 3,901.33B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 2,289.57B Tax Rate: 0%
Efficiency: 63.02% Website:
We are group of Czech and Slovak. So if don't speak either of them we don't really see the way you can join us.

Jsme CZ/SK korporace zijici dlouhodobe v cervich dirach .. Hledame vsechny profese, novackum radi poradime a zaucime. Nemame zadne dane.
Pokud jsi tymovy hrac, tak k nam urcite zapadnes a najdes misto v nasi Bande, ktera si zaklada na pratelstvi, fair play a dobre nalade.
Chces-li byt clenem tohoto dobre pracujiciho tymu, nevahej a dej o sobe vedet..

Pred zadosti o prijeti kontaktujte:
Aratra Hai

Diplomat: Agriotes Hakaari
Ship class K L
Assault Frigate 174 136
Battlecruiser 1132 704
Battleship 1444 501
Black Ops 3 1
Cap. Industrial 4 5
Capsule 6561 2372
Carrier 81 30
Citadel 84 1
Command Destroyer 74 62
Command Ship 113 141
Covert Ops 652 811
Cruiser 1282 628
Custom Office 100 20
Deployable Structure 1038 192
Destroyer 528 213
Dreadnought 72 46
Drone 3 1
Electronic Attack Ship 38 50
Ship class K L
Engineering Complex 28 1
Exhumer 108 28
Fighter 84 21
Flag Cruiser 0 0
Force Auxiliary 6 2
Forward Operating Base 26 0
Freighter 7 3
Frigate 2761 848
Heavy Assault Cruiser 170 223
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser 87 77
Industrial 707 230
Industrial Command Ship 66 17
Infrastructure Modules 0 0
Interceptor 203 230
Interdictor 385 381
Jump Freighter 0 1
Logistics Cruiser 257 204
Logistics Frigate 25 20
Ship class K L
Marauder 42 38
Mining Barge 461 129
Mobile Warp Disruptor 117 29
POS Large 25 13
POS Medium 10 1
POS Module 1763 386
POS Small 31 7
Prototype Exploration Ship 4 4
Recon Ship 154 97
Refinery 25 2
Shuttle 993 366
Strategic Cruiser 593 347
Supercarrier 1 0
Tactical Destroyer 311 515
Territory Modules 1 0
Titan 0 0
Transport 85 80
23269 Ships killed (3901.33B ISK)
10343 Ships lost (2289.57B ISK)
63.02% Efficiency (ISK)
All losses

No data.

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