Alliance Details - League of Unaligned Master Pilots [LUMPY]
Kills: 9 Executor: SOV not found
Losses: 2 Members: 3
ISK destroyed: 0.45B Start Date: 2015-09-19 16:38:41
ISK lost: 0.87B Number of Corps: 1
Efficiency: 34.02%
Top Scorers
September 2024
Pilot Points
All time
Pilot Points
Razahell Anneto 1. Razahell Anneto 84
Kurogame 2. Kurogame 79
Leona Leopard 3. Leona Leopard 79
Vraccas88 4. Vraccas88 79
Veran Mer 5. Veran Mer 79
Urs Blank 6. Urs Blank 79
Cpt Mooney 7. Cpt Mooney 78
Kelmaster 8. Kelmaster 78
Khardia Melanchton 9. Khardia Melanchton 78
Pecunius 10. Pecunius 78
Atlan Dallocort 11. Atlan Dallocort 78
Dyrion 12. Dyrion 78
Trojaner 13. Trojaner 78
D Smoke 14. D Smoke 78
Mikokoel 15. Mikokoel 76
Rothen Imardin 16. Rothen Imardin 70
ceeberus 17. ceeberus 65
Tanc Otsito 18. Tanc Otsito 7
FallenCleric 19. FallenCleric 6
Vivette Huren 20. Vivette Huren 6
Exanos Zekarath 21. Exanos Zekarath 6
Jori McKie 22. Jori McKie 6
Glader Kautsuo 23. Glader Kautsuo 6
Lucienda Jigga 24. Lucienda Jigga 6
Ling Isu 25. Ling Isu 6
Atinum Raynes 26. Atinum Raynes 6
Shibby San 27. Shibby San 6
Igor Saizew 28. Igor Saizew 6
Charit A 29. Charit A 6
Medai Kesrith 30. Medai Kesrith 6
37 queries (+3 cached) SQL time 0.0343s, Total time 0.7457s
Prime theme by Vecati, modified by haross nero