Alliance Details - Pathog3n [PATH]
Kills: 5 Executor: The Inf3cted
Losses: 2 Members: 68
ISK destroyed: 0.6B Start Date: 2021-12-24 03:33:01
ISK lost: 0.02B Number of Corps: 1
Efficiency: 97.19%
Top Killers
July 2024
Pilot Kills
All time
Pilot Kills
Man of Super 1. Man of Super 2
Wyran 2. Wyran 2
hapser alt 3. hapser alt 1
Jorj TheSecond 4. Jorj TheSecond 1
Jou Pal 5. Jou Pal 1
Jorj TheFirst 6. Jorj TheFirst 1
Timmus Charante 7. Timmus Charante 1
14 queries (+3 cached) SQL time 0.0489s, Total time 0.1086s
Prime theme by Vecati, modified by haross nero